The administrative oversight of the federal estimation commission has been in the remit of the General Secretariat of the Federal Administrative Court since 1st January 2021. In supervising these commissions, the General Secretariat relies on the Compulsory Purchase Act (SR 711).
Supervision is exercised by the Executive Secretary. In his/her function, he/she oversees the administrative management of the federal estimation commission and their presidents. In this context, he/she may request individual or recurring reports from the presidents and the commissions. The Executive Secretary is also responsible for the payment of compensation and remuneration to the members of the federal estimation commission and their secretarial staff.
Members of the estimation commission
The Federal Supreme Court appoints the members of the federal estimation commission for the same six-year term of office as the members of the Federal Administrative Court. The members step down from office at the end of the year coinciding with their 68th birthday.
List of members - federal estimation commissionn
Legal basis
Compulsory Purchase Act (ComPurA, SR 711) (in German)
Administrative Procedure Act (APA, SR 172.021)
Ordinance of 24 April 1972 for the Federal Compulsory Purchase Commissions (FCPCO, SR 711.1) (in German)
Ordinance of 13 February 2013 on Fees and Compensation in Expropriation Proceedings (SR 711.3) (in German)